Grandmother – Aba
You are our only granddaughter, we have four other grandsons, young men, whom we get to enjoy, particularly during special occasions. It is very difficult to only be able to imagine your progress without having even a picture of your steps and more without feeling your love.
On January 13th, 1998, we went to see you at your day care along with your great aunt and great uncle, Chepe and Marta Rodriguez who had arrived from Bogota. The children were in line to go out to recess, I just called out to you and merrily you threw yourself into my arms. I became emotional upon feeling your love as the tears gushed from my eyes. Your grandfather was quick to take the treasured photo of that emotional moment which we will never forget. I imagine you now, older, elegant, and refined just the same as when you were a baby, we have loved you immensely since the day you were born.