Melissa Marie Bustamante

Melissa Marie Bustamante
Born July 11, 1996 - Miami Florida - USA

Ian Grady – Cousin


Though he’d always been one of my closest relatives, when your father moved to Atlanta I got to know him even better. Your father is one of the most honest, true, and caring people I know, but he is also permanently saddened by your absence.  He loves and misses you and so does the rest of the family.  I remember when you were a toddler.  I remember playing with you, and I remember you played with your little cousin, my little brother, Julian.  Our time spent together was limited but special, and when we last parted ways I had no idea it would be so long before I would see you again.  It’s been over a decade since I’ve seen you.  I’ve finished middle school, high school, college–chapters in your life that you’ve yet to begin–and I’m about to begin law school.  My Spanish is rudimentary, and I don’t know how well you speak English, but I hope one day we can talk again; I hope to share my experiences and stories with you as well as hear yours, and create new ones together.  I can only hope that day will come soon.

Love, Ianian_2009_graduation_uga.jpgian.jpg

Melissa Marie Bustamante - Born July 11, 1996 - Miami Florida - USA -